Monday, February 2, 2009

Bu och Bä får besök / Boo and Baa have company

We have just finished making an 8-min short film for children, Bu och Bä får besök / Boo and Baa have Company, based on the book with the same name by Lena and Olof Landström.

Working with us on this project was Annika Bergström (inniki) as model maker and animator. Producer was Francy Suntinger (Speedfilm), narrator Sissela Kyle, music by Markus Jägerstedt (Monster och maskiner, Cirqus Alfon), sound and mix Torsten Rundqvist (ljud & form).

The film will be screened at Folkets Bio and broadcasted on the Swedish Television in the beginning of 2009. Dates will be posted on this page later so check back with us soon.