Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jack och Pedro på SVTB

Nu visas våra tre senaste filmer om ormen Jack och sköldpaddan Pedro (från 2006) på SVTB igen. Den första, Pedros konstutställning, visades i måndags. Men de andra två hinner du fortfarande se:

Jack bakom galler visas måndagen den 13 december kl. 18.00 i Bolibompa, och Pappa Pedro Pappa Jack visas måndagen den 20 december samma tid.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Kom ketchup så går vi

We are currently making a TV-series in cooperation with the Swedish Television called Kom ketchup så går vi (meaning "Come on ketchup, let's go!" which is the Swedish translation for the punch line of the joke about two tomatoes crossing the street (Catch up!). It is funny since in English this punch line is a play on words, but that got completely lost in the Swedish translation... Still, every child in Sweden knows this joke. And it is sort of funny even without the pun!)

The series is clay animation and here are some behind the scenes photos for you:

(Jag blandar engelska och svenska helt hämningslöst här på bloggen, men från och med nu skriver jag svenska med grönt för tydlighetens skull...) För tillfället producerar vi en TV-serie för barn som heter Kom ketchup så går vi. Det är en samproduktion med SVT och den kommer såsmåningom att visas i SVTB. Här är några bilder:

We are making very simple characters for this series. Here I am making six eggs out of styrofoam and clay.
Vi gör väldigt enkla figurer till den här serien. Här gör jag ett sexpack ägg av frigolit och modellera.

Setting the scene. It all takes place in a kitchen cupboard.
Här sätter jag fast rekvisitan och figurerna. Handlingen utspelar sig i ett skafferi.

Our set up with the Canon camera and the laptop with Stop Motion Pro on it. 
Vi använder en Canon stillbildskamera och programmet vi använder heter Stop Motion Pro.

Staffan animating another scene with grandpa potatoe telling the small potatoes a story :)
Här animerar Staffan en scen med gammelpotatisen som berättar en historia för småpotatisarna!

Written by Anna

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nya vinjetter på SVT / New title sequences for SVT

Röda Roboten has made three new title sequences for children's programmes at the Swedish Television. To watch the programmes click the links below.

Röda Roboten har gjort vinjetterna till Myror i brallanMäta med skägg och Philofix som för närvarande visas i SVT. Till Myror i brallan har vi även gjort scenografin (Fakta-Fannys lilla trädstugas interiör). För att se programmen, klicka på länkarna nedan:

Myror i brallan

Mäta med skägg


Friday, September 3, 2010

New Philofix Title Sequence by Röda Roboten

The new season of the children's TV-show Philofix is starting soon on SVTB, and Röda Roboten made the new title sequence for the show. It is based on the same idea of the studio as a miniature model as we made for the show earlier. Very soon it will be up at the website too!

De nya avsnitten av Philofix kommer att gå på måndagar kl. 18.30 med repris lördagar kl. 10.10, med början den 13 september i SVTB. Röda Roboten har gjort en ny version av vinjetten till programmet. Den bygger på samma idé som den tidigare vinjetten, med hela Philofix-studion som en miniatyrmodell. Vi kommer snart att lägga upp vinjetten på vår hemsida också.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Two Röda Roboten-films at Divercine Festival in Uruguay.

Boo and Baa Have Company and Sixten have been selected to be part of this year's Divercine Festival for Children and Youth in Uruguay. The festival takes place from 12'th to 18'th of July 2010.

To see a short clip from Boo and Baa Have Company click here. For Sixten click here.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Short report from Stuttgart Animation Festival

Boo and Baa Have Company was screened in the "Tricks for Kids" section of the Festival of Animated Film in Stuttgart a couple of weeks ago. I went there for the weekend to watch some great new animation and to attend my screening of course.

The weather had been bad with lots of rain during the festival week, but when I got there on the saturday the sun was shining and it was almost summer compared with cold, cold Stockholm!

Boo and Baa was screened on the final sunday of the festival in the Metropol 1. This venue has 360 seats and it was full to the last seat! (Watch a clip from Boo and Baa Have Company here!)

There were lots of kids in the audience and they seemed to like Boo and Baa a lot! The film was live-dubbed into German by a voice actor. After the screening I got to answer the children's questions about how the film was made. It was great fun! One of the kids took the mic just to tell me he liked this film! :)

The award ceremony on the sunday evening was a bit boring for me since I don't understand German. But the good part of it was I got to see all the winning short films! Boo and Baa was beaten in the Tricks fot Kids section by the half hour long "The Gruffalo" by Jakob Schuh and Max Lang.

The winner of the short film section A family portrait by Joseph Pierce was excellent! (The image above) Very funny and grotesque! And another brilliant short is the winner of best music award Love & Theft by Andreas Hykade. Hypnotic!

All in all a great weekend in Stuttgart! (written by Anna)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Boo and Baa Have Company goes to Uruguay and Brazil!

Boo and Baa Have Company has been selected to be part of the Divercine Film Festival of Children and Youth in Montevideo, Uruguay. The festival takes place from 12'th to 18'th of July 2010. Click here for the Divercine website (only in Spanish).

It has also been selected to be in the competitive Shorts for Children-section at Anima Mundi International Animation Festival, in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil. The festival takes place from 16'th to 25'th of July in Rio de Janeiro, and 28'th of July to 1'st of August in Sao Paulo. Click here for a comlete list of selected films at the Anima Mundi website.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hitta Läsningen

New clip on the website: samples from the graphic design and animations we did for the Educational DVD "Hitta Läsningen!". Produced by Svenska Barnprogram AB for Kod-Knäckarna.

Click here to watch the clip.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Three Röda Roboten-films at Goelali Children's Film Festival!

Boo and Baa Have Company, Papa Pedro Papa Jack and The Ballerina Frog has all been selected to be part of the Goelali Children's Film Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia!

The festival will take place from June 12th - 20th at the Miniapolis & Multifunction Hall, Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta. If you are in the neighbourhood go and check it out! For more info about the festival visit their website.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bu och Bä i Midsommarkransen

Nu på söndag den 25 april kan du se barnfilmspaketet Bu och Bä och Jaguaren på biografen Tellus i Midsommarkransen, Stockholm. Filmpaketet visas kl 15.00 och kostar bara 30 kr!

För att hitta till Tellus-biografen klicka här.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Boo and Baa in Germany and in the Czech Republic!

Boo and Baa Have Company has been selected to be part of the competitive programme "Tricks for Kids" at this year's Festival of Animated Film Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Germany. The festival takes place from May 6'th to 9'th, 2010.

It has also been selected into the competitive section of animated films for children at ZLÍN 2010 – 50th International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Zlín, Czech Republic. The festival takes place from May 30'th to June 6'th, 2010.

See you there!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Boo and Baa in India

Boo and Baa Have Company has been selected to be part of the Short Animation Competition Section of the 2nd CMS International Film Festival in Lucknow, India. (6 - 12 April 2010)

For more information about the festival visit their website.

Jack och Pedro i Uppsala

Jack och Pedro på nya äventyr visas på Fyrisbiografen i Uppsala, söndagen den 4 april och måndagen den 5 april kl. 14.00.

" tre nya filmerna ger mersmak och det är bara att hoppas att vännerna kommer tillbaka snart." (Björn G Stenberg UNT 2010-03-26. Läs hela recensionen här.)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sneak peak at new Philofix title sequence

We recently did some shooting for a new title sequence for the show "Philofix", produced by Svenska Barnprogram for SVT. The sequence is based on miniature models and in-camera effects, and just a small amount of post-production trickery.

Here is photographer Alma Linder, preparing for the final shot.

Backside of the model, with fiber optics to simulate all the small lights in the real set.

A special rig was constructed for the graphic trees and the logo, which are moved in place during the shot.

And here is a frame from the shot! The final sequence will be put on our web after broadcasting this autumn.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jack and Pedro in Canada

New Adventures with Jack and Pedro - Papa Pedro Papa Jack has just been screened at REELKIDS festival in Petersborough, Canada. "Wonderfully amusing" to quote the description in their programme... :D

Monday, February 22, 2010

Röda Roboten-filmer på bio

Fyrisbiografen i Uppsala visas nu Bu och Bä får besök på lördagar och söndagar kl. 14.00. Filmpaketet fick fyra kajor i Uppsala Nya Tidning i förra veckan. "Ibland kan man känna abstinensen efter små barn att gå på biomatiné med. Extra mycket känns det när jag ser ett så utmärkt program som dessa tre små animerade filmer..." (Björn G Stenberg, UNT)

Södran i Lund visas Ballerinagrodan (fram till den 25 februari) och Jack och Pedro på nya äventyr (den 28 februari till 18 mars).

Tellus bio i Midsommarkransen, Stockholm, visar Bu och Bä får besök söndagen den 18 och sändagen den 25 april.

En stund med... på SVT Play

Nu ligger En stund med... ute på SVT Play. Kolla in!

Röda Roboten has made the opening credits for the Children's TV-series En stund med... (One moment with...) and also to Ella och Viktor (Ella and Viktor) now available at SVT Play. The animation for Ella och Viktor can also be seen at our website.

Friday, February 12, 2010

En stund med... premiär på SVT!

Måndagen den 15 februari till tisdagen den 2 mars visas En stund med... på SVTB kl. 08.10 alla vardagar. Det är en dokumentär barnserie i 12 delar till vilken Röda Roboten har gjort vinjetten. Serien kommer också att visas kvällstid senare i vår.

Vinjetten kommer snart upp på vår hemsida.

SVT Play ligger nu senaste avsnitten av Ella och Viktor, som vi också har gjort vinjetten till.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ella och Viktor animation now online

Our latest animation - the opening credits for the children's TV-series Ella och Viktor (showing on SVTB, wednesdays at 18.30 and saturdays at 08.25) is now on display at our website!

Click here to watch the film clip.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ella och Viktor premiär

Under hösten gjorde Röda Roboten vinjetten till två barnprogram på SVT. Nu är det dags för premiär på ett av dem:

Ella och Viktor visas på onsdagar kl. 18.30 på SVTB, med start den 13 januari, samt lördagar kl. 08.25 med start den 16 januari. Ella och Viktor är en dokumentär serie för barn om Ella som ska börja förskoleklass och Viktor som ska få en lillebror. Vinjetten har vi gjort i samarbete med Inniki.

Vinjetten kommer vi snart att lägga upp på vår hemsida!