Thursday, September 24, 2009

Live from Cartoon Forum

Or, perhaps not live, but still a report from within.
We pitched Jack & Pedro yesterday, and it looked like this:

It was great fun and people were really interested. We'll see what that leads too.

The Cartoon Forum is really huge, with 700 people participating. Before the pitching sessions, all are gathered to watch the trailers for the upcoming pitches.

It is also important to look cool, which we did in the oufits that Anna created for us.

In this picture is from the left Staffan Erlandsson (director and animator), Francy Suntinger (producer) and Jan Vierth (writer).

In between pitches there is a lounge for informal meetings and networking, where you can also buy food and beverages at ridiculously high Norwegian costs.

There are also social events, like a boat trip to the fjords. Which was cool! It felt like going into Mordor.

That's all for this report. We will stay here two more days, to watch pitches and network with the animation industry. Wish us luck!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Cartoon Forum Time

Today is the first day of Cartoon Forum 2009 in Stavanger, Norway. Jack and Pedro is there, to be presented to financiers from all over Europe.

If you are at the Forum, you are welcome to our pitch in Room 1 at 15.40 on wednesday 23:rd!

Watch our Jack and Pedro Cartoon Forum Trailer here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Farbror Freddy i Expressen och i Göteborg

"Farbror Freddy är en klockren, tecknad liten punkfilm berättad av en Johannes Brost i högform."

skriver Hanna Höglund i Expressen den 7 sep. Läs hela recensionen här.

Och nu kommer Farbror Freddy till Göteborg! Premiär på Hagabion den 26 september. För biljetter och tider se

Filmen visas fortfarande i Stockholm också, på biografen Zita.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Premiär för Farbror Freddy får en knäpp

Nu är det dags för premiär igen!

Folkets Bio visar kortfilmen Farbror Freddy får en knäpp (Uncle Freddy Goes Bana-na-na-nas) tillsammans med den ryska animerade filmen Choo Choo, i ett barnfilmspaket med namnet "Farbror Freddy och Choo Choo leker loss!"

Farbror Freddy får en knäpp är en samproduktion mellan Zut, Barbra, Röda Roboten Animation och Förlaget Hest & Sön. Martin Eriksson står för regin, Jonathan Sjöberg skrev manus, Sune Christiansen gjorde illustrationerna och Röda Roboten animerade, med hjälp av Annika Bergström/Inniki. Alla röster gjordes av Johannes Brost.

Premiärvisningen är på biografen Zita i Stockholm lördagen den 5 september. För mer info och biljetter se Zitas hemsida.

Se ett klipp från Farbror Freddy här.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Boo and Baa at Tokyo International Film Festival

Although Boo and Baa Have Company did not get the award for best film at Kodomotachino Kinder Film Festival in Tokyo last week, it still won a new audience in Japan. It was very well recieved by the audience and the festival staff.

At the festival Boo and Baa Have Company was selected to be screened as part of "Best of Kodomotachino Kinder Film Festival Tokyo at TIFF". Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) takes place from 17th - 25th of October 2009.