Friday, December 4, 2009

Bu och Bä får besök - gratis på Filmhuset!

söndag den 6 december har Svenska Filminstitutet barnfilmsdag med gratis visningar av svenska animerade barnfilmer. Bu och Bä får besök visas i det första filmpaketet för dagen.

Andra filmer som visas är den underbara Dunderklumpen av Per Åhlin och Beppe Wolgers, Prick och Fläck snöar in av Lotta och Uzi Geffenblad och Vem ska trösta Knyttet? av Johan Hagelbäck.

För program och tider klicka här

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November update

Röda Roboten has just finished making two new opening credits for the SVT children's programmes En stund med and Ella och Viktor. The programmes will be broadcasted in the spring 2010. The opening credits we made will be posted on our website soon.

We are also making animations for an educational DVD. More information about that shortly.

Other news are that Boo and Baa Have Company has just been screened at Fredrikstad Animation Festival, Norway.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Röda Roboten at Stop Motion Pro website

Did you know that the excellent software Stop Motion Pro has animator profiles on their website, and one profile is Röda Roboten Animation. On the profile Staffan is giving you some technical information about how we made Jack and Pedro.

Check out the profile here

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Live from Cartoon Forum

Or, perhaps not live, but still a report from within.
We pitched Jack & Pedro yesterday, and it looked like this:

It was great fun and people were really interested. We'll see what that leads too.

The Cartoon Forum is really huge, with 700 people participating. Before the pitching sessions, all are gathered to watch the trailers for the upcoming pitches.

It is also important to look cool, which we did in the oufits that Anna created for us.

In this picture is from the left Staffan Erlandsson (director and animator), Francy Suntinger (producer) and Jan Vierth (writer).

In between pitches there is a lounge for informal meetings and networking, where you can also buy food and beverages at ridiculously high Norwegian costs.

There are also social events, like a boat trip to the fjords. Which was cool! It felt like going into Mordor.

That's all for this report. We will stay here two more days, to watch pitches and network with the animation industry. Wish us luck!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Cartoon Forum Time

Today is the first day of Cartoon Forum 2009 in Stavanger, Norway. Jack and Pedro is there, to be presented to financiers from all over Europe.

If you are at the Forum, you are welcome to our pitch in Room 1 at 15.40 on wednesday 23:rd!

Watch our Jack and Pedro Cartoon Forum Trailer here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Farbror Freddy i Expressen och i Göteborg

"Farbror Freddy är en klockren, tecknad liten punkfilm berättad av en Johannes Brost i högform."

skriver Hanna Höglund i Expressen den 7 sep. Läs hela recensionen här.

Och nu kommer Farbror Freddy till Göteborg! Premiär på Hagabion den 26 september. För biljetter och tider se

Filmen visas fortfarande i Stockholm också, på biografen Zita.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Premiär för Farbror Freddy får en knäpp

Nu är det dags för premiär igen!

Folkets Bio visar kortfilmen Farbror Freddy får en knäpp (Uncle Freddy Goes Bana-na-na-nas) tillsammans med den ryska animerade filmen Choo Choo, i ett barnfilmspaket med namnet "Farbror Freddy och Choo Choo leker loss!"

Farbror Freddy får en knäpp är en samproduktion mellan Zut, Barbra, Röda Roboten Animation och Förlaget Hest & Sön. Martin Eriksson står för regin, Jonathan Sjöberg skrev manus, Sune Christiansen gjorde illustrationerna och Röda Roboten animerade, med hjälp av Annika Bergström/Inniki. Alla röster gjordes av Johannes Brost.

Premiärvisningen är på biografen Zita i Stockholm lördagen den 5 september. För mer info och biljetter se Zitas hemsida.

Se ett klipp från Farbror Freddy här.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Boo and Baa at Tokyo International Film Festival

Although Boo and Baa Have Company did not get the award for best film at Kodomotachino Kinder Film Festival in Tokyo last week, it still won a new audience in Japan. It was very well recieved by the audience and the festival staff.

At the festival Boo and Baa Have Company was selected to be screened as part of "Best of Kodomotachino Kinder Film Festival Tokyo at TIFF". Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) takes place from 17th - 25th of October 2009.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Jack and Pedro at Cartoon Forum

Jack and Pedro has been selected to be part of the Cartoon Forum 2009. The forum will take place in Stavanger, Norway, from 22 to 25 of September 2009.

Staffan Erlandsson (director, Röda Roboten), Jan Vierth (script writer) and Francy Suntinger (producer, Filmlance) will be travelling to Norway to present the project to financiers from all over Europe.

Click here to see all selected projects.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jack and Pedro at Facebook

Do you like Jack and Pedro? Support them by going to their profile at Facebook and become a fan! There will be news, photos and video clips posted there continously.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

SVT visits Röda roboten studio

You can watch a clip of us working in our animation studio if you watch the Philofix episode from 11/5 (available at SVT Play until June 23). In the first clip you can see Annika Bergström and Staffan Erlandsson dressing Pedro's apartment for the film Pedro's Art Exhibition, and in the second clip Annika is making a brush and palette for Pedro. Also there is a short clip from the finished film.

Click here to watch the clip.

New film clips on the web site.

Click the images below to see the clips.

Allti Kartong, the TV-series for which we made the two cardboard robots Allti and Lilla Röd.

And a clip from the TV-series Mattepatrullen from 2005.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Child talking about Papa Pedro Papa Jack at Sprockets

This kid at the Sprockets Film Festival in Canada talks about what part he likes the best in Papa Pedro Papa Jack:

"I like when the penguin sang, and when the elephant went outside and sang with him."
"Would you recommend this to your friends?"
"Yes, I would!"

Watch the clip at:

Sweet! :D

Monday, April 27, 2009

Jack and Pedro at Variety's blog

Last year New Adventures with Jack and Pedro was screened at Redcat International Childen's Film Festival in Los Angeles, USA. This blogger at commented our film at two of his "five top things" from the festival... :)

Published February 17, 2008:

Top five things about Redcat's kid's fest

Top five things about the 3rd annual Redcat International Children's Film Festival in downtown LA, running now through March 2:

5. You can cry and laugh as loud as you want and not be asked to leave.

4. You don't have to be high to watch animals talk, and to understand them. (see #2)

3. Wearing diapers to save a bathroom run is okay.

2. No one questions the domestic partnership between a turtle and a snake in "New Adventures with Jack and Pedro" (Sweden). They both like tea. Why wouldn't they live together? I mean... Duh!

1. Five bucks!

Michael Jones is the film festival editor

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Galapremiär på Zita

I väntan på att vi själva får upp några bilder här från premiären på Zita kommer här en länk till Lars Epsteins blogg på DN där han lagt upp ett par fina bilder från evenemanget.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Bu och Bä premiär på bio

Nu är det dags för nästa premiär! Bu och Bä får besök kommer att visas av Folkets Bio i ett knattepaket tillsammans med Jaguaren av Mattias Gordon och Schack av Pernilla Hindsefelt.

Lördagen den 4 april är premiären på biografen Zita i Stockholm. För tider och visningar i andra städer klicka på "biografer" på

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Allti Kartong Premiär!

Nu är det snart premiär för Allti Kartong, UR-programserien till vilken Röda Roboten designade och byggde två robotar av kartong. (Se tidigare inlägg för bakombilder från bygget)

Dessa två robotar, Allti och Lilla Röd, kommer att undersöka världen enligt olika teman varje avsnitt. I första avsnittet är temat regn.

Första programmet sänds torsdagen den 2 april kl 18.00 i Cirkuskiosken, Barnkanalen.

Foto: Erik Amkoff

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bu och Bä på SVT

För er som (liksom vi själva) missade TV-visningen av Bu och Bä får besök på SVTB för ett par veckor sedan kommer nu en chans till:

Lördagen den 21 mars kl. 08.35 kommer den att visas i Barnkanalen (SVTB). Så masa er upp ur sängen och bänka er framför Bolibompa!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Manus X

Idag är det premiär för "Manus X", en tv-serie där tolvåringar skriver manus till kortfilmer. Filmerna regisseras av eteblerade regissörer, och spelas med kända skådespelare.

Serien produceras av Svenska Barnprogram, och Röda Roboten har gjort vinjett och grafisk design. Programstart 18.45 i SVTB.

Här är en bild från vinjettinspelningen! Notera även den snitsiga kameravagnen som vi byggde särskilt för ändamålet.

Själva vinjetten kan förstås ses på vår hemsida:

Monday, February 2, 2009

Papa Pedro Papa Jack in Toronto

New Adventures with Jack and Pedro - Papa Pedro Papa Jack has been selected to be part of the Sprockets International Film Festival for Children in Toronto, Canada. The festival will be taking place from April 18th to April 24th 2009.

For more information on the festival visit the sprockets website

Watch the trailer for New Adventures With Jack and Pedro here.

Boo and Baa in Gothenburg

There is still a chance of watching Boo and Baa at Gothenburg Film Festival! It is screened in the programme "Svenska Bilder 5" on friday 30 january.

The premiere screening was great fun! The festival audience was giggling most of the time, and laughing out loud sometimes too. We are looking forward to watching the film with more kids in the audience to see if they giggle at the same jokes!

Boo and Baa world premiere

The world premiere for Boo and Baa will be at the Gothenburg International Film Festival 2009.

Screenings on january 23, 26 and 30.

The festival also have an extra focus on animation this year, so go there!

All play but no clay

On some occasions it actually happens that we walk outside our studio, into the real world, filming real people! Here's a live video we made for the trash/death-metal band Die Hard in december:

Directed and edited by Staffan, filmed by Staffan and Anna Erlandsson and Erik Hansson.

Behind the scenes - Boo and Baa have company

Here are some images from when we built the sets for Boo and Baa.

If you take a look at the book Boo and Baa, Have Company (Bu och Bä får besök) by Lena and Olof Landström, you will see that the models we built is looking very much like the original illustrations. We wanted to keep the world for Boo and Baa very close to the world kids already recognize from reading the books. But we also wanted to give Boo and Baa a more real world for the film. We wanted to give the picture more depth, so we choose to build models instead of using illustrations for the backgrounds.

Here is a collage I made to find the feeling of the garden.

Then I made a simple mock-up in the studio, to get the size and perspective right.

I put the picture in the computer to pick colours for the houses.

Then we started building the houses. Here is Annika Bergström painting.

The houses in place in the studio. Annika at the camera.

The photo for the background turned out like this (after some adjusting in photoshop).

And the image from the finished film.

(written by Anna Erlandsson)

Bu och Bä får besök / Boo and Baa have company

We have just finished making an 8-min short film for children, Bu och Bä får besök / Boo and Baa have Company, based on the book with the same name by Lena and Olof Landström.

Working with us on this project was Annika Bergström (inniki) as model maker and animator. Producer was Francy Suntinger (Speedfilm), narrator Sissela Kyle, music by Markus Jägerstedt (Monster och maskiner, Cirqus Alfon), sound and mix Torsten Rundqvist (ljud & form).

The film will be screened at Folkets Bio and broadcasted on the Swedish Television in the beginning of 2009. Dates will be posted on this page later so check back with us soon.

Behind the scenes - Allti Kartong

Vi har designat och byggt kartong-robotarna till barnprogrammet Allti Kartong för UR, som kommer att visas på SVT i vår. Inhyrd för att bygga var Kristina Sandfors, som gjorde en strålande insats!

Här testar Kristina Sandfors en tidig skiss-dräkt.

Hans Lindqvist testar dräkten som börjar ta form.

Kristina med delarna till Allti och den lilla röda roboten.


Färdiga robotar! Foto och © UR / Erik Amkoff.

Foto och © UR / Erik Amkoff.

Behind the scenes - New adventures with Jack and Pedro

Anna is dressing the set for winter.

Staffan is animating the little bird Ossian singing.

The snowballs are animated on a stick, which is later removed in the computer.

An overview of the kitchen set.

Anna is animating Jack trying to feed the mischievous little Ossian.

Sound rehearsal with the actors: Victoria Dyring (Constable Fleece), Frida Normark (Pedro) and Johar Bendjelloul (Jack and Mr. Elephant)

Annika Bergström is making a giraffe for the art exhibition jazz band.
Our studio is full of eyes...

Staffan is making Pedro's shell out of sculpey.

Our singing and walking birds need many different mouths and feet.
Niklas Nilsson is making a double-bass for the band.
Staffan in the studio with the camera in place.